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Wall Painting

The wall painting activity was organized on the occasion of World Children Day 2019, on themes related to children rights. It was organized in 14 schools of Udhana URC with field partner SAHAS organization.

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Budding artists registered with partner organization Karmasu arts were invited at UHCRCE office to orient them on child rights theme and create sample paintings or concepts which will be eventually painted on the school wall. The activity was held between 18 artists at morning 9-1 in afternoon on 14th November 2019 to create concepts on A3 size pages.

A day before the event, walls were selected in each school and circulated to all the artists and network partners through Whatsapp. Colours were arranged by the artists , they were helped by 5 student volunteers from each school they worked. The schools in which wall painting activity was carried out were Nagar Prathmik Shikshan Samiti with numbers: 204,205, 142,210,211,212,326,208,209,197,198,206,207,202 

In all, 75 students volunteers with 18 artists and URC Udhana Teachers participated in the event. The themes selected by the participants highlighted child rights like Stop Child Labour, Education for all children, Gender Equality, nutrition rights, mental health etc. Themes were in accordance with UNCRC child rights. The activity was documented well on social media platforms and local news paper in city.


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